Welcome to NM Bedriftsgolf September 7-8, 2024

*NM Bedriftsgolf is only for members of NBIF

Telemark Bedriftsidrettskrets invites you to NM Bedriftsgolf September 7-8, 2024 here at the beautiful Kragerø Resort and Kragerø Golf. The event is for members of the Norwegian Corporate Sports Federation. NM Team will be played on the Saturday and NM Single on the Sunday.

Come and play an exciting NM Corporate Golf and enjoy a pleasant stay with us.

There will be a fun golf competition and social setting on Friday evening at the clubhouse for those who arrive on Friday.

ATTENTION! Feel free to use the comment field to give us your membership number so that Kragerø Golf can add this to the tournament.

Tournament format and classes NM 2024

The championship is played according to current regulations from NGF and the course's local rules.


Texas Scramble 50% hcp (at least 4 counts each)

Running start from 10.00


Class A plays net stroke and class B plays Stableford

Women's and men's class A 0-19,9 hcp

Women and Men class B 20-54 hcp

Running start from 09.00

Prize-giving ceremony estimated at 17.00.

Both days ladies play from 43 and men from 51

Why is NM with Texas Scramble 50% hcp?

We want to facilitate good cohesion and an inclusive game for all levels of companies. The focus will be on a social and enjoyable championship. Since there is no qualification for NM Bedriftsgolf and a maximum of 100 places, we see this as the best solution for a good NM and super weekend at Kragerø Resort together with colleagues.

NGF game forms:


Requirements for participation

Open to anyone who is a member of a corporate sports team affiliated with the Norwegian Corporate Sports Federation, both as an ordinary BIL or affiliation agreement, has an official hcp and valid membership in a golf club affiliated with NGF in the current year.

Participant quota NM 2024

NM complete kr. 4480,- per person and includes:

- Accommodation Saturday to Sunday in a double room with breakfast

- Entrance to spa & fitness

- Dinner in our own hall on Saturday

- Packed lunch for Sunday

- Rangeballer

- 2 Greenfee NM games (Team Saturday and Single Sunday)

*Single room NOK 350,- extra per person.

*If you want to come on Friday, you get a connecting day for NOK. 1045,- per person in a double room and includes entrance to the spa and training and breakfast. Other requests are made directly with Kragerø Resort when booking.

*If you want input on Friday, September 6, you get an extra nice price of NOK 575, - for 18 holes and booked directly with Kragerø Golf.

Do you want to participate in NM Bedriftsgolf, but do not have board and lodging?

Then book your participation directly to telemark@bedriftsidrett.no

NM games only both days NOK. 2450,- per person

NM LAG only kr. 1890,- per person

NM SINGLE only kr. 1890,- per person

The organizer will also provide a good framework for NM Bedriftsgolf on both days.

For more information and registration, see the organizer's website or contact telemark@bedriftsidrett.no

We welcome everyone to NM Bedriftsgolf September 7-8, 2024